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21 Mart, 2016

Two Bloggers Walked İnto a Bar...

Well, not really. But they followed each other's blogs, without wasting their time checking every morning if anyone shared anything new, INSTEAD they used an online platform which updates the newest posts from the blogs they choose to follow. Pretty much doing all the work for them, huh?

What is that magical, awesome, life savin- ok, I may be sarcastic at times. This cool online platform/app/tool is called RSS. What i did was opening an account on FeedReader, which happened very easily, following the blogs I want to by clicking the 'add a new feed' button at the left bottom part of the page and I was done! This process was a lot easier than I thought.

This is how my FeedReader acc looks like

Actually everything I did for my Materials Design class was a lot easier than I thought. I thought that I would suffer, try to commit suicide because I could not take it anymore, hate every single thing but I pretty much liked it to the point that I considered quitting school and be an all-time blogger, at times. 

I happened to read a very interesting blog, by the way. It's ESL Lesson Plan. It's not specifically about teaching English but more like some interesting facts/games/questions that tickles your brain. I think ELT students should follow this blog so that they can enjoy their times while learning. Studying, coursebooks are not everything in our lives. Going back to the blog i mentioned, I took this How Well Do You Know English quiz and i noticed something really tricky. First, you take the quiz too, if you want to, then continue reading.

Ok, what i noticed is, in one of the questions, you are supposed to differantiate between their, they're and there. The thing is, that question was so easy for me but i saw many native speakers getting confused since the three words sound very similar. Not really sure if i should be proud of myself. Maybe I'm too aware of my use of English?

Over-thinking is not good for your health you guys. I'm out.

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