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20 Mayıs, 2016

We've got tales to tell

Hello there children! (Please read this again with Chef's voice, thank you)

Today i am  going to introduce you a website called about which i and my partner Betül did a presentation earlier in the classroom. This website lets you create your own digital story or storybook (if you want it printed) by drawing, reading, writing and uploading pictures.

Lets see how one is created.

Step 1 

This is the frst thing you see when you open the website. Go to the 'create a tale' page.

Step 2 

Create a cover page. You can give your tale a name and write your name in these two boxes which are placed in the upper part of the screen.

Step 3 

As you can see the mindset is pretty similar to Paint. You can use the brushes the shapes eraser and such. For audio you can record your voice. When you save the first page, it directs you to the next page. 

Step 4

This is where your story begins. You can draw again or upload pictures. You can write your story in the box placed on the bottom right of the page and, again, record it. You can repeat this process as your story goes on.

Step 5

You can save and preview everything you did. Now you are done!

You can go to 'my tales' page and see all of your tales there. You can edit them whenever you want. You can also share them with your friends your teacher your students etc.

There is a 'public tales' section which includes tales made by different people. And another section which is full of classes that are already prepared to inspire and guide people about their tales. They are separated by languages and grades.

For what purposes can we use

  • Since you can do tutorials with this website, you can make your students do some easy tutorials or just maybe want them to tell about their last summer vacation.

  • They can tell their daily lives.

  • They can create their own tale OR work in groups. Here is an idea: divide the class by three groups. First group will create characters, a setting, places and such. Second group will create a complicated problem using these. Third group will find a solution to the problem and finish the story.

  • İmagine that you give your students an unfinished story as a handout, you may want your students to finish that story however they want and illustrate it on As there is not really an age limit, any child (as long as they know what the buttons mean) can use this website for various reasons.

İ find this website very useful and entertaining. İf you have any suggestions about what purposes we can use it, please let me know :)

Now i am going to continue studying for my finals. See you.

Before you leave, check out our video we made during our presentation. A masterpiece indeed.

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